Starting the Smart Manufacturing Journey

Smart manufacturing is transforming the industrial landscape, driving efficiency and innovation through the strategic use of data and integrated technologies. For organizations looking to embark on this journey, understanding the foundational elements of smart manufacturing is crucial. Here’s how you can start your journey into the realm of advanced manufacturing technologies.

Person holding up a tablet with digital twin technology

1. Data: The Heartbeat of Smart Manufacturing

At the core of smart manufacturing lies the effective utilization of data. Data collection, however, is just the beginning. The real challenge—and opportunity—is in harnessing the right data, processing it in the right form and delivering it into the hands of the right people who can make informed decisions. This process not only enhances operational efficiency but also supports continuous improvement and innovation. By ensuring that data flows seamlessly across various facets of the manufacturing process, businesses can unlock unprecedented levels of insight and control. Whether it’s through real-time monitoring systems or predictive analytics, the goal is to achieve a data-driven manufacturing environment that is responsive and adaptive.

2. Aligning with Business Strategy

Smart manufacturing should not operate in isolation from your business strategy; rather, it should be an integral part of it. Before diving into technological solutions, it’s crucial to step back and assess the bigger picture of your organizational goals. What value does smart manufacturing bring to your table? Identifying how these advanced technologies can align with and propel your business objectives is key. Starting small with pilot projects can demonstrate early wins and help scale solutions that have a direct impact on your business outcomes. This strategic approach not only ensures that the technology serves a clear purpose but also aligns with long-term business goals, fostering sustainability and growth and an understanding of where and how to invest.

3. Integration and Connectivity: The Backbone of Efficiency and Agility

The true power of smart manufacturing lies in its ability to integrate and connect disparate elements—hardware, software, and human resources—across the production chain. By leveraging digital technologies such as the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), AI and machine learning, big data analytics, and advanced robotics, businesses can enhance operational efficiencies. Additionally, technologies like additive manufacturing, hybrid manufacturing, cloud computing, and digital twins allow for greater visibility and agility within manufacturing operations. These tools enable companies to respond swiftly to market changes and customer demands, reducing downtime and improving overall productivity.

Smart manufacturing is not just about adopting new technologies; it’s about creating a more interconnected and intelligent production ecosystem. As businesses continue to evolve in this digital age, the integration of these technologies becomes critical in maintaining competitive advantage and driving future success.


Starting your smart manufacturing journey is a significant step towards revolutionizing your production processes and business outcomes. By focusing on strategic data utilization, aligning technology with business goals, and enhancing connectivity and integration, companies anticipate industry trends and transform into a more efficient, agile, and data-driven enterprise.  Embarking on this journey requires thoughtful consideration and strategic planning, but the rewards of increased efficiency, agility, and insight into production processes make it a worthwhile endeavor. 

The Digital Foundry at New Kensington

If you are looking to start or accelerate your application of digital and smart manufacturing technologies, the Digital Foundry at New Kensington can help.  We offer a set of technical assistance services to partner with manufacturers to understand their current state and where they want to go, to deliver innovative solutions and enable you to assess and de-risk before you invest. Learn more about how we can help you start or continue your smart manufacturing journey: