Technology Assessment & De-Risking

If you are an existing manufacturer looking to start of accelerate your application of robotics and digital and smart manufacturing technologies, we can help. In today's fast-paced business landscape, staying ahead of the curve is not just a competitive advantage—it's a necessity. Technology is evolving at an unprecedented rate, and embracing digital and smart manufacturing can be the key to staying relevant and thriving in the modern marketplace. The Innovation Forge Technology Assessment and De-Risking services are specifically designed to provide resources to help you understand your options and succeed.

  • Unlock the potential of automation, digital and smart manufacturing
  • Understand, demonstrate, and de-risk technologies before you invest


Technical Assistance Services Include:

  • Assessment of current state and challenges in your operations
  • Strategic technology road-mapping specific to your organization and business objectives
  • Developing business cases and value propositions
  • Design of digital and physical automation concepts and architecture
  • Proof of concept prototyping to demonstrate and de-risk your application
  • Technical guidance for scalability and implementation


Contact to learn more about Technology De-risking & implementation.